Gnome Alone
Gnome Alone is a 2017 computer-animated fantasy comedy film directed by Peter Lepeniotis and written by Michael Schwartz and Zina Zaflow, from a story by Robert Moreland. The film was first released in November 2017 in Cyprus, Greece, Romania, and Israel. The film received mixed reviews. Produced by Vanguard Animation and 3QU Media, the film stars the voices of Becky G, Josh Peck, Olivia Holt, George Lopez, Patrick Stump, and David Koechner. It follows a young girl who moves to Tenderville, suddenly pairing up with a group of gnomes and her awkward neighbor in an attempt to defeat a pack of rabid and hungry beasts called Troggs.
Gnome Alone
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Chloe and her estranged mother, Catherine, move to Tenderville, in a massive house surrounded by mysterious gnomes. One night during dinner, Chloe discovers a secret room that holding a mystical green gem, which she takes and…